Monday, 7 October 2013

My first BatRep: Tzeentch Daemons vs. Imperial Fists

Hey all,

I played a game yesterday afternoon and thought I would have a go at writing a BatRep :) It is my first one and I apologise in advance for the poor quality, and slight lack, of photos (I tried to use my iPad for pictures and it shook too much). So, here goes nothing!

We were playing 1500 points, rolled Purge The Alien for mission with standard deployment and I won the roll to deploy first.

The lists:

Chaos Daemons (Me)

Fateweaver (Warlord) (Forewarning, Invisibility, Prescience, Inferno)
Herald of Tz
-Lvl 3 (Prescience, Misfortune, Scriers Gaze)
-Exalted Gift (Grimoire)
Herald of Tz
-Lvl 3 (Prescience, Perfect Timing, Forewarning)
-Greater Gift (Hellfire Gaze)
-Lesser Gift (Etherblade)

10 Horrors
-Iridescent Horror w/ 1 Lesser Gift (+1 to reserve rolls)
10 Horrors
10 Horrors

5 Flamers
4 Flamers

8 Screamers

-Daemon of Nurgle (not Tz I know, but the Nurgle abilities are much better than the Tz ones for the grinder)

Total: 1492

Imperial Fists (forgot to take full notes on the army list, but I think this is pretty much it)

Librarian (Warlord, can't remember which trait)
-Lvl 2 (Endurance, Enfeeble)

10 Tac marines
-Heavy Bolter
10 Tac marines
-Heavy Bolter

5 Bikes

10 Sternguard
-Drop pod
-4 Combi-flamers

10 Terminators
-2 CML

Firestorm Redoubt

Total: 1500

My opponent deploys his firestorm redoubt on my left hand side, then my deployment begins.
I deploy my soul grinder in some area terrain in the middle of my deployment zone, with the screamers and heralds on his right and Fatey next to them, as far away from the Redoubt as possible. Two of the units of horrors are set up on my left flank and the unit with the +1 to res rolls and icon and instrument go into reserve along with both units of flamers.

My opponent deploys his termies in the middle of his deployment zone, hides one tac squad behind a building (see picture below), the bike squad goes behind the Firestorm Redoubt and the other tac squad is set up behind a crater. The sternguard go into reserve in their drop pod to come in on turn 1.

Night Fighting: No
Seize the Initiative: Yes (dammit, lol)

IF Turn 1

The sternguard drop down in their pod aiming to land near the screamers and scatter right in front of the soul grinder. They all jump out into the area terrain. The libby casts Endurance on his unit and they move out from behind the Redoubt. The termies shuffle forwards as do the tactical squads.

The shooting begins with the sternguard shooting the screamers with standard bolts, killing 1 of them and the termies fire their Cyclone Missiles, killing another 1. The storm bolter from the drop pod shoots at the screamers, hitting twice but fails to wound.
The bikes and tac marines on my left fire at the closest horrors, with their combined shooting killing 5 horrors.
The Firestorm Redoubt then shoots at Fateweaver, scoring 2 wounds. I fail 1 save and take a wound, but I pass my grounding test.

Daemons Turn 1

One herald casts Forewarning and Prescience on the screamers, the other herald casts Prescience on the soul grinder, scriers gaze, and Misfortune on the sternguard, which my opponent fails to deny. Kairos flys 24" forwards to get out of line of sight of the Firestorm Redoubt. The grimoire goes off, giving my screamers a 2+ invuln save, who then move forwards and both units of horrors move forwards into cover.
Shooting begins with the warpstorm table making his Librarian take a Leadership test on 3D6 or turn into a herald, which he passes (just) with a 10. The soul grinder fires the phlegm at the sternguard, which scatters 8", but I get to re-roll the scatter thanks to prescience and get a hit, which covers all 10 sternguard! I wound all 10, and they all fail their cover saves thanks to misfortune. First Blood for me, as well as a VP for the unit.
The unit of horrors on my left flank fail to cast and Fatey throws Infernal Gateway at the tac squad, killing 1 and marines fail their toughness test from warpflame and another marine dies.
The screamers turbo boost forward towards the termies ready to chew through some armour next turn.

IF Turn 2

The librarian casts Endurance on his unit and Enfeeble the unit of 5 horrors, which I fail to deny. The bikes and tacs moved up towards the Enfeebled horrors and his termies shuffled towards the screamers.
The combined fire from the tac squad, the Redoubt and the bikes kill off the 5 remaining horrors on my left flank, giving my opponent 1 point. The termies unleash their firepower into the screamers, putting a screamer down to 1 wound, and the tac marines behind the building fire at Kairos, getting 4 hits and 2 wounds, which I save and he passes his grounding test thanks to the re-roll.
The termies charge into my screamers and I overwatch with Hellfire Gaze, which hits and wounds, but my opponent makes his invulnerable save.
Combat sees my non-grimoire herald issue a challenge to his termie sergeant which he accepts. The sergeant fails to get any wounds past my 2+ invuln and I cause 2 wounds in return, killing the sergeant thanks to the Etherblade. The screamers then Lamprey bite getting 4 hits and 2 wounds, which kills 1 termie. The termies don't kill any screamers thanks to my 2++, and they then fail their morale check and run 7", with me consolidating 6" to end up right behind them.

Daemons Turn 2

I roll for reserves and the horrors come in, dragging the unit of 5 flamers in and the other flamers come in as well.
I place the horrors in front of the crater that the tac marines are in, but they scatter backwards 7" towards my unit of horrors in the ruin. The first unit of flamers drops next to the same crater and get a hit, putting them in a great spot to incinerate the tac squad. The second unit of flamers drops near the bike squad, but scatters 9" back and ends up behind the crater next to the tac marines.
The heralds cast Forewarning and Prescience on their unit and misfortune on the termies, which my opponent denies.
Fatey flys over to the large building to avoid the Firestorm Redoubt again and the Grimoire goes off, giving me my 2++.
The warpstorm table does nothing this turn with me rolling 7. The unit of 5 flamers shoots the tac squad they landed next to, getting 35 hits and causing 18 wounds. My opponent failed 11 saves, resulting in the whole squad dying; another VP for me. The soul grinder shoots at the tac marines opposite him and kills another 1 and the unit of horrors sitting in the ruin fail to cast again.
My screamers charge into the termies and my opponent fails to get any hits with overwatch. I choose to use the 4 attacks on the charge rather than Lamprey Biting. My non-grimoire herald kills 1, and the screamers kill another 2, but this time the termies pass their leadership and hold.

IF Turn 3

The Librarian casts Endurance on his unit and tries to Enfeeble the unit of horrors that deep struck in, but I manage to deny it. The bike squad then moves towards that unit of horrors.
The bikes shoot at the horrors, killing 5 of them, and the tac marines behind the building shoot at Fatey, who takes 1 wound and falls out of the sky. The Firestorm Redoubt has to fire at the flamers, and kills 1. The storm bolter on the drop pod fires at the horrors in the ruined building and kills 1.
The bikers then charge the 5 remaining horrors and kill 2. I deal no damage in return but I pass my Daemonic Instability and the remaining 3 hold.

Daemons Turn 3

The heralds cast Prescience and Forewarning on their unit and misfortune on the termies, which goes through this time. Fatey takes off again and moves to sit behind the gun emplacement. The flamers amble towards the Firestorm Redoubt, to make sure the Firestorm has to shoot them again.
The warpstorm table once again makes my opponent's Librarian take a leadership test on 3D6, but, once again, he passes with 10. The soul grinder completely misses the tac squad opposite him, and Fatey gets his Flickering Fire denied.
In combat, the bikes only manage to kill 1 horror, and they pass their Daemonic Instability test again. Over at the screamer combat, the non-grimoire herald kills 2 termies and the screamers finish off the other 3 and I consolidate 3" towards the tac marines.

IF Turn 4

The Librarian casts Endurance on his unit and fails to cast Enfeeble.
The tac marines shoot at Fatey and wound him twice but I save both wounds. The Firestorm shoots at the flamers again, killing 2 more. The drop pod once again shoots at the horrors in the ruins, killing another 1.
In combat, the bikes fluff their attacks and fail to hurt the 2 remaining horrors.

Daemons Turn 4

The heralds cast Prescience and Forewarning on their squad and the grimoire goes off. Fatey flies off towards the bikes, hiding behind a building and the screamers change their minds and go after the bikes aswell.
The warpstorm then calls Nurgle's Rot forth, but it doesn't do anything and the soul grinder dissolves the last 6 tac marines with a Phlegm Bombardment.
The screamers charge the bikes, fail to wound with HoW and the non-grimoire herald issues a challenge, which the biker sergeant accepts. The herald squishes the sergeant and the bikers kill a horror. The screamers fail to kill anything with their Lamprey Bites thanks to FNP from Endurance.

IF Turn 5

The Librarian casts Endurance on his unit and successfully Enfeebles the screamers
The Firestorm shoots at the last flamer in the smaller squad and kills it.
In combat, the non-grimoire herald challenge the librarian, who accepts. The librarian fails to hurt the herald thanks to the grimoire, and the herald deals 2 wounds to the librarian, one of which is saved by FNP. The bikers kill off the last horror, and the screamers eat 3 bikers with their Lamprey Bites.
The librarian fails to regen the wound he lost.

Daemons Turn 5

The heralds cast Prescience on the screamers but fail to cast Forewarning. Fatey flies off towards the drop pod and the grimoire goes off, giving my screamers a 3++
The warpstorm table gives me +1 to my invuln saves this turn and the soul grinder takes a hull point off the drop pod.
In the combat the librarian fails to hurt the herald, and the herald cuts him down, giving me slay the warlord. The screamers kill the last bike and consolidate 3" towards the drop pod.

We roll to see if there is a turn 6....

IF Turn 6

The drop pod shoots at Fatey but misses and the Firestorm shoots at him as well, causing 1 wound, leaving Fatey on 2 wounds but still flying.

Daemons Turn 6

The heralds cast prescience and forewarning. The grimoire goes off and the screamers and Fatey move closer to the drop pod.
The warpstorm table does nothing this turn, and the Soul grinder and Fatey fail to damage the pod.
The screamers charge the drop pod and wreck it.

We roll to se if the game goes to turn 7....and the game ends there.

Final Score:
Daemons - 10 (First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord, 2x tac squad, termies, bikes, librarian, sternguard and drop pod)
Imperial Fists - 3 (2x Horrors, Flamers)

The game was good fun, even if it wasn't the closest game ever. The fact that the grimoire didn't fail was very helpful and my opponent's sternguard falling right into the path of my soul grinder was unlucky for him.

This was the first game where my screamers have really shone as a combat threat. I decided to role all 6 of my powers from divination, which gave me so much extra utility. They steam-rolled through a big unit of termies and a biker unit with his warlord in, which was great. The flamers were also fantastic, vaporising a tac squad in 1 turn and the soul grinder keep the other one hiding for most of the game. The horrors did well at drawing the bike squad out of position but they didn't really need to do a great deal of damage this time, so I never really shot with them.
Fatey didn't really do much damage with his psychic abilities, but his re-rolls helped out at key points several times and he distracted a tac squad for a while aswell.

Hope you guys have enjoyed the report, and I welcome any comments or questions :)


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