Saturday, 5 October 2013

Welcome to my new Warhammer blog!

Hey there everyone :)

I just wanted to write a quick introduction to welcome you to my new blog.

I got back into Warhammer at the beginning of this year after quite a bit of time away from the hobby, and after spending lots of money I am loving it, haha. I've mostly been playing 40k this year, but I enjoy games of Fantasy and LoTR too.
I have two main 40k armies at the moment. The first is my Dark Angels, with a strong focus towards the Ravenwing. This has been my 40k army since I started playing back at the beginning of 3rd ed. and I still love them just as much. I've always had a soft spot for the Dark Angels, I find their fluff and tendency towards secrecy very appealing. I have made my own DA chapter, who still wear the colours of the pre-heresy Dark Angels (as a nod to the old Angels of Death book as well as the HH series of novels). I really enjoyed writing up the background for these guys, and I hope to expand on it soon.
Painting these guys is taking me a long time, as I am not a very fast painter, and each bike takes me about an hour, but they are coming along nicely.

The other army is one I have recently started; mono Tzeentch Chaos Daemons. The idea for this army came when I was looking through an army case containing my old Hordes of Chaos fantasy army, which is entirely dedicated to the Changer of Ways, (when you could take Warriors of Chaos, Daemons and Beastmen in one army). I didn't like how Daemons worked in 5th ed. 40k, but after reading through the 6th ed. codex quite a bit I thought I would give it a go, and I am really enjoying them so far. I like the random elements to the book, as it keeps each game slightly different and encourages you to think on your feet, rather than sitting back and playing the same strategy over and over.
I am using this army to improve my drybrushing skills, and therefore every model will have the majority of its surface painted using this technique, with only the details being picked out free-hand afterwards.

As far as Fantasy goes, I have one main army at the moment, which is the Lizardmen. (The Hordes of Chaos army I mentioned earlier hasn't left it's case since they split the books up). I really like my Lizardmen army, especially the skinks, so I always try to field as many skinks as possible, haha. I am currently just getting started on repainting the whole army, as I am a much better painter now than I was 8 years ago.

Ever since I got back into Warhammer I have loved reading people's Battle Reports, so I wanted to make a blog where I could start writing my own reports with pictures to share. I will also put up pics of my current painting projects and WIP shots.
I am also about to start playing in a couple of campaigns run by some friends, so, as long as the GMs agree, I will be posting reports from those aswell.

Thanks for reading my introductory babble, and I hope you enjoy reading the things I put up in future!


  1. Good to see you starting a blog dude. It can get hard to carry on at first, but i hope you carry on with it.

    1. Thanks man :) reading your bat reps was what made me want to start writing things up properly.
